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Showing posts from May, 2019

Do energy drink boosts memory performance?

New research suggests the Red Bull energy drink can temporarily boost some aspects of cognition.  The study demonstrated that Red Bull improved not only the ability to store and retrieve information in short and long term memory but also the speed with which information can be retrieved. This was not seen with the sugar-free version, or the taste matched placebo drink. These effects occurred in healthy young volunteers for information learned 30 to 90 minutes after the drink. The size of the benefit was ‘clinically relevant’. So, do energy drinks actually work on improving memory? The main component of most energy drinks is caffeine. The Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code restricts the maximum amount of caffeine in an energy drink to 32 mg per 100 mL. In the United States, however, energy drinks are classed as dietary supplements, and are thus, not required to meet the Food and Drug Association limit of 20 mg of caffeine per 100 mL. A shot of 5-hour Energy,

Total Sugar of 100 plus product

Being one of the most accepted brands of isotonic drink among Malaysians, 100 PLUS is both a refreshing leisure beverage and a re-energizing drink for all ages and mostly for all occasions. With just the acceptable amount of sugar and carbohydrates, 100 PLUS caters for those who just want to rehydrate themselves after some light exercises or during a lunch break from long hours on the computer in the office. This drink also works as an alternative remedy for those who are having a slight fever or those who are down from a cold. 100PLUS ACTIVE With B Vitamins (B3, B6 & B12), Non-Carbonated 100PLUS ACTIVE is specially designed to facilitate energy production, as well as to aid in after-sports recovery. Plus, it only has 6g out of 100ml of total sugar, lower than 6.6g of total sugar found in the 100Plus Original. F&N always has a non-carbonated version called 100Plus Edge that claims to provide the “extra energy you need to achieve peak performance in your d

Overview on Energy Drink

What is Energy Drink? Energy drink, any beverage that contains high levels of a stimulant ingredient, usually caffeine, as well as sugar and often supplements, such as vitamins or carnitine, and that is promoted as a product capable of enhancing mental alertness and physical performance. Energy drinks can be useful when you're training hard and need an extra boost for a tough session. They can also be used as a quick pick-me-up during a slow afternoon at the office, but it's important you don't get to the stage where you become reliant on them. When used in the right context, consuming energy drinks in moderation as part of a balanced diet can have advantages. Benefits of Energy Drink • The Carb Content                                                                                                                                                    As an athlete or someone focused on increasing fitness levels and endurance, you can gain benefits fro